Professional voice over for your e-Learning projects!
Professional voice over for your e-Learning projects!
Order voice over for your e-Learning projects from us and we will produce the PERFECT recording within 24 hours! Call us!
Standard voiceover rates
Below are the basic rates for our voiceover services for e-Learning projects.
Prices are quoted in US dollars for one minute of end-product when ordering ten or more minutes.
If you need a longer voiceover, please ask us for a detailed estimate.
Voice over in English (from 10 min) - $27/1 min.
Voice over in English (from 60 min) - $11/1 min.
Turnaround time: 1-3 days
Why choose us? Here are four good reasons:
- We are the perfect one-stop solution for any e-learning voice over project. Here you can get the full production process, including audio creation and translation services.
- We have a broad choice of professional voice talents – more than 2,000 voice actors speaking 110+ languages.
- We offer the best rates on the market for professional voiceover services!
- When you order voiceover that’s ten or more minutes long, we make one trial minute FREE – even before payment!
Check out samples of our voiceover for e-Learning projects
Find out what our end-product looks like. If you need more examples of fully edited voiceover for e-learning projects, ask us now!
What is e-Learning
Imagine you have just started a new job or course at university and you have some learning to do. You are now faced with a dilemma of having to choose either sitting through a dozen briefings, digging through hundreds of books in the library or using video/audio-based learning materials. What are you mostly likely to choose? Current trends show that you are most likely to opt for the latter. Learning and teaching through the internet and other digital resources has proven to be effective and very lucrative. Unlike traditional methods of teaching and instructing, e-learning eliminates the need for a teacher to be present as materials are all recorded.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the demand for e-learning and in some fields such as corporate e-learning where the training usually makes use of voice acting, the growth has been impressive. The 150 billion dollar industry is rapidly growing and is expected to be worth an estimated 375 billion dollars in just under 5 years. E-learning voice-over has been widely used to supplement traditional teaching methods but now many organizations are completely doing away with conventional methods.
Recent studies have proven that students retain 25-60% more information when using e-learning resources as opposed to only 8-10% in a traditional classroom. This is because students spend 40-60% less time on learning when they use digital resources. Such statistics and other indicators go to prove that it is only a matter of time before digital technologies become the primary source of learning. Attitudes are also changing. These days more and more people prefer to multitask and consume information on-the-go, thus by adopting e-learning voice-over, you will be catering to this ever-growing part of the demography
Voice-over for e-Learning
The addition of voice to the process of electronic learning is one of the many services we offer at a high level of professionalism. Asynchronous e-learning (using pre-recorded materials) heavily relies on voice-acting and the quality of the voice-over determines the effectiveness of the course. The voice(s) chosen depends on the subject matter to be voiced and the narration should be clear, appropriate and reflect the subject matter. Retaining a learner’s attention can be difficult and that’s why the process of selecting a voice talent is a very delicate one. If the selection is done well, the result could be a timeless and easy-to-understand learning resource that will keep the target audience engaged and motivated. We can help you with picking a voice that best suits your needs.
Types of e-Learning voice over
Voices play a very important role in e-learning. A flat or monotonous voice will have the audience losing interest in no time and lack of interest can result in learners skimming through the material, miscomprehending it or even worse, ignoring it. Voice actors can adopt any voice or tone to suit the content and make it engaging.
Educational Voice-over
E-learning narration can describe, instruct, summarise on-screen text or just provide additional information to the text. Educational voice-over is commonly used in illustrative youtube videos, podcasts, audiobooks, university audio courses and as an aid for the disabled, just to name a few. In most cases, learners have little incentive and motivation to go through all the material so it is very important to make sure that the recording for educational voice-overs is engaging and can keep the listener/viewer’s attention. We have a voice bank full of actors who will make sure that your audience gets what they need. We offer a wide range of voice-over services; however, we do not prepare scripts for e-learning voice-over, but we may be able to give some professional advice.
Corporate Voice-over
E-learning voice-over for businesses is usually in the form of user manuals, video/audio modules and presentations. Voice narration is relatively cheap, saves time, makes content more accessible and makes self-education possible. We only use skilled voice actors to whom the desired language is native. We use native speakers even when doing localization or translation of pre-existing materials because enunciation and pronunciation are of utmost importance in educational voice-over recording. Our highly skilled actors will ensure that your brand image is not distorted or misrepresented. Prices are considerably lower for large orders so organizations that need to voice large amounts of materials such as educational institutions and companies in the info-business could benefit from this.
Voice over services that we offer
We offer a wide range of services at competitive prices. Our team of talented curators, engineers and voice talents are not only confined to voice-over. We can add a music track to a voice/audio resource or compose bespoke tracks/songs in a different language. Educational games for school pupils or for company employees may require not only voicing but special sound effects as well to bring the game to life and we can do just that and more. In addition to narration and proofreading of pre-written text, we can also give expert advice as writing and voicing elearning materials is not always a straightforward process.
Localization: We can translate pre-recorded materials into any language(s) that suits your target audience. We offer localization services that include but are not limited to, translation of scripts and subtitles into any language, inserting time codes, lip-syncing, dubbing and synchronization. They say a lot gets losts in translation but that will not be the case with us.All these services are prepared in a professional studio to ensure that you get recordings which are free from noise and other discrepancies that can compromise the quality. Whereas recording from scratch can be expensive, dubbing can be a cheaper alternative.
In addition to localizing, we can cut pre-recorded materials into multiple files and add tags to them which is often a necessity in e-learning. Tags can be added to both original and localized content. We offer a wide variety of post-production editing services.
Production process
Firstly, you create a script and then bring it to us. The better the quality of the script, the easier it is to voice. In some cases, a script specifically written for e-learning is preferable as writing for the page differs from writing for the ear and this distinction is often overlooked. Secondly, we help you pick a voice actor that best suits your requirements. The more the number of voice actors or voices used, the higher the cost. We scrupulously go through the script pre-production and may suggest adjustments where necessary to make it easy to voice. We then determine the cost of production taking into account several factors such as the language used, number and type of the voice talents. The duration of production depends on the size and complexity of the work. Before the post-production stage begins, we give you a chance to listen and suggest corrections where necessary.
Very fast internet speeds, the steady rise of the info-business and the sudden shift to online work and study, among other factors, mean that there is already an inexhaustible amount of e-learning materials. However, what sets a good audio/video course apart from a bad one is the quality. Whether it is teaching the disabled, creating corporate training materials, developing a podcast-style course, voicing text-to-speech or dubbing existing materials into a different language, we have a suitable candidate for you in our voice talent pool who will ensure that your e-learning resources stand out.
Our Advantages
End-to-end solutions
Translation, proofreading, recording, editing, professional management
Order online and download your recordings
Any language
We utilize native professionals in 110+ languages
Stick to your budget
Our affordable rates can fit any budget without sacrificing quality
You know what makes us really proud?
Positive customer feedback!
Hello, Sofia!
On behalf of my company I would like to thank you for the excellent job you've done with our presentation project. I realize that I've been a very picky customer, as this project is very important to me, it is my big concern, the way one of my best and favourite clients showroom and presentation materials look.
They have called me and said the exhibition was a success and a few people commented on how great their foreign language video looked. I'm proud that my company was able to provide them with high-quality vids – with your help. I'd like to personally thank Anna, your manager, for being quick, patient and efficient and dealing with my worries and requests and changes in a highly professional way.
Next time I need Arabic, Farsi and Turkish voiceovers? I know where I'm going.
Wishing you and yours all the best,
Daniel Dourney

To whomever it may concern,
Think Big! is has been working in e-learning and education for several years and we used to be limited to selling only to English-speaking markets, until we decided that we need to localize our applications for various other markets and go global.
So far we have completed 5 large e-learning quests with Great Voices and have been very happy with the output. We’d like to note that the translation and voice quality is always on par and our managers have commented on Great Voices’s staff’s attention to details and great communication.
We check our localized apps sales stats and we like how it goes.
Best regards,
Amandeep Kaleka
Think BIG!

Friday, November 2017
To Whom it may concern
Kids Clever and Co have been working with Great Voices since February 2016 with 12 projects completed to-date - recording British, Arabic and Spanish langiage voice overs.
Great Voices is Kids Clever & Co's premier supplier for Voice Overs - they have a wide array of talent always on hand. They are dependable, fast and with excellent customer service. We hope to contunie working with Great Voices for many years to come.
Rebert Hammond

Hi Anna,
I hope you're well!
We do have another project that we'd like you to quote for and we would like to use Mills again. Can you quote for 2 minutes of voice over?
In regards, to our tesmonial, I hope below is okay!
“It was an absolute pleasure to work with Anna, she was extremely reacve to all our quesons and needs! We will gladly work with Anna and Great Voices again!”
Many Thanks,
Faith Glenister
Producon Coordinator / Camera Department

How We Work
Choose the voice
Choose the right voice from our voicebank, or tell us what you need and we’ll do it for you.
Get exact final quote
Send us the details of the project and get a quote within 15 minutes. Order only the best.
Get great audio files
Now relax... and get your audio files online whithin 24 hours.